Arriving at university is the start of an incredibly busy and exciting time. Find out what you'll need to do first when you arrive at ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß.    


Arriving during the Welcome Festival


We will send you an invitation to arrive at Firstpoint in the Peirson Building on the University's St John's Campus at a designated time. When you arrive on campus, staff and students will direct you to pick up your student ID card, and your room keys if you are moving into University accommodation.  The letter will also tell you which documents you need to bring, such as identification.

Students on some courses arrive on campus before this Welcome period. If your scheduled arrival slot is earlier we will contact you with details of your personalised arrival arrangements.

Your start date at the University will depend on the course that you are studying. Our Term dates 2024/25 page has more information on course start dates, holidays and exam periods.



Arrival FAQs

Where can I collect my accommodation keys?

In your first year, many of you will be living in university accommodation, either on campus or in houses in the local area.

If you have booked accommodation with us, you will be invited to arrive on a specified date via email and you will be able to collect your keys at the same time as you pick up your ID card.

What will be in my accommodation when I get there?

You can find a full list of what is provided for you in University Halls here.

Where can I park?

For more information on our campus car parks, see our St John's Campus map.

Where can I buy food?

There are a number of catering facilities on campus to grab some food and a hot drink over Welcome Weekend.

View our catering page for more information.

Where can I collect my student ID card?

The first thing that you will do is collect your Student ID card. To collect your card you will need to show us some identification, so please bring with you on the day:

  • Original photo ID, such as your passport or photocard driving licence
  • Your certificate of registration - this is provided when you have fully completed your online registration. You can either bring a printed version, or show this to us on your mobile device
  • DBS Certificate - if you need one for your course

if you can’t attend on your scheduled day, you will have other opportunities to collect your ID card from Firstpoint (in the Peirson Study and Guidance Centre) throughout the first few weeks of term.

When do international students arrive?

If you are an international student and you would like more information about your arrival and international induction, please visit our arriving in ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß page.

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