Sarah Weaver
Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing & Lead for Practice Learning and Partnerships
School of Nursing and Midwifery
Department of Pre-Registration Nursing
tel: 01905 54 3029
Sarah is a Senior Lecturer in Nursing and Lead for Practice learning and Partnerships for the School of Nursing and Midwifery. This school-wide role includes providing strategic oversight of practice learning within our partner NHS Trusts, the independent sector and within course provision. Sarah provides professional leadership for practice learning, working closely with the strategic director of practice learning and interprofessional education and the Practice Learning and Support Team (PLAST). This includes reviewing quality metrics relating to practice learning, reporting on student practice experiences, and leading meetings with our Practice Facilitators and educational workforce leads. Sarah works in close partnership with our placement providers to oversee strategic developments in practice learning and scope opportunities to access new and innovative placement experiences for our nursing and midwifery students. She represents the Three Counties School of Nursing and Midwifery at local and regional practice learning higher education meetings and report to the Senior Management Team.
She is Co-lead for the MACP4010 Professional Advocate module. Sarah teaches across both the Pre-registration and Advanced clinical practice teams, focusing on teaching clinical skills, complex decision making, Professional Advocacy and Independent and Supplementary prescribing (MACP 4007). She is a personal tutor and academic assessor and holds Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA). Sarah is currently applying for senior fellowship of the HEA.
She joined the University in 2019, transferring from her role as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner in general Practice and as a mentor for nurses and students in General practice in 吃瓜第一线shire. Sarah is an experienced independent prescriber and an advanced clinician who is dual registered as both an Adult and Children’s nurse. After graduating as a nurse, Sarah worked in secondary care at Birmingham Children’s Hospital and then in Emergency care and Minor Injuries where she obtained her Emergency Nurse Practitioner qualification and commenced her Advanced Practice course. From 2013 –2021 Sarah has worked as an autonomous practitioner in the primary care setting and has been awarded the title of Queen’s Nurse, in recognition of her outstanding clinical care and desire to promote excellence in both patient care and in supporting the education and development of Nurses in the primary care setting. Sarah actively participates in the QNI regional and national events and is a member of the QNI research forum.
As part of the delivery of the NHS Long term plan and workforce plan, Sarah works closely with all NHS Trust partners, ICS and the Primary Care Training Hub to promote the upskilling of the nursing workforce and to grow the number and diversity of placements for student nurses and midwives. Sarah is a member of the West Midlands lead nurses for General Practice group and the Association of Advanced General Practice Nurse Educators (AAGPNE) which is a national body of lead nurses and educators from around the United Kingdom. Sarah also leads the Practice Liaison Teams for nursing and midwifery and works in partnership with practice partners and staff to ensure that student learning in practice remains innovative and of high quality.
Sarah is also a Professional Nursing Advocate, co-leading and teaching on the Professional Advocate module (MACP4010) and is a member of the Three Counties School of Nursing and Midwifery health and wellbeing group. Sarah also has a personal interest in women’s health and is a member of the Women, Children’s and Young people’s special interest group and community nursing research forum (QNI).
Sarah is currently part of 3 research study groups investigating areas of interest in Practice support for international student nurses, the impact of restorative clinical supervision in the Higher education setting and Joy and compassion in the workplace. Sarah has presented posters at the Nursing Education Today Conference in Barcelona, and also at the Queen’s Nursing Institute annual conference. Sarah was co-presenter of research into the practice assessors voice in supporting our international students, at the HEA Healthcare conference in December 2023, and is also presenting her research on Joy and Happiness at work for UK Academics, at a conference in Greece in May. Sarah has been invited to lead a presentation on compassion in mentoring and education at UCH London, in June 24.
PG Cert in Learning Teaching in Higher Education
B.N (Hons) Bachelor of Nursing
Queen’s Nurse
RSCN Registered Sick Children’s Nurse
V300 Independent Prescriber
PGC Advancing Practice