Edwards, C., Molnár, G. & Tod, D. (in press). Searching for meaning: British men’s stories of long-term androgenic-anabolic steroid use. Performance Enhancement & Health. ISSN 2211-2669.
Davis, G., Bentley, J., Molnár, G. & Gaskin, K. (in press). Places of Farewell: a scoping review exploring factors influencing the choice of place of death for children when death is expected. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing.
Thomas, G., Kavaliauskas, M., Molnár, G. & Lord, R. (2024). TOWARDS SPORT AND EXERCISE SCIENCE EDUCATION INFORMED BY SOCIOLOGY. The Sport and Exercise Scientist (Summer), 32-34.
Burgess, B., Molnár, G., Vinson, D. & Richardson, E.V. (2024). The realities of utilising participatory research and creative methods to explore the experiences of non-heterosexual coaches, Sports Coaching Review, DOI:
Molnár, G. (2023). Nationalism, necropolitics and sport intersection in Hungary: building fences, but expanding nationhood. National Identities.
Thomas, G., Devine, K., and Molnár, G. (2023). Experiences and Perceptions of Women Strength and Conditioning Coaches: A Scoping Review, International Sport Coaching Journal, 10(1), 78-90.
Spencer, N. and Molnár, G. (2022). Whose Knowledge Counts in Adapted Physical Activity Research? Quest, 74(1): 1-16.
Edwards, C., Molnár, G. and Tod, D. (2022). Searching for ontological security: women’s experiences leading to high drive for muscularity. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise & Health, 14(4), 609-627.
Thomas, G., Guinan, J. and Molnár, G. (2021). ‘It’s not particularly P.C., you know…’ Women coaches’ performing gender in strength and conditioning. Women in Sport and Physical Activity, 29(2): 106- 116.
Mycock, D. and Molnár, G. (2021). 'The blind leading the blind' – A reflection on coaching blind football. EUJAPA, 14(1), 3. doi.: 10.5507/euj.2020.011.
Molnár, G. and Whigham, S. (2021). Radical Right Populist Politics in Hungary: Reinventing the Magyars through Sport. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 56(1), 133-148.
Kanemasu, Y. and Molnár, G. (2019). 'Representing' the Voices of Fijian Women Rugby Players: Limits and Potentials of Research as a Transformative Act. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 55(4), 399–415.
Faulkner, C., Molnár, G. and Kohe, G. (2019). 'I just go on Wi-Fi': Imagining worlds through professional basketball migrants' deployment of information and communication technology. Journal of Sport and Social Issues. 43(3): 195-218.
Postlethwaite, V., Kohe, G and Molnár, G. (2019). Mechanics of Inspiring a Generation: A stakeholder evaluation of London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics educational programmes. Managing Sport and Leisure. 23 (4-6): 391-407.
Kanemasu, Y. and Molnár, G. (2017). Private Military and Security Labour Migration: the Case of Fiji. International Migration. 55(4): 154-170. ISSN 1468-2435.
Benkwitz, A. and Molnár, G. (2017). The Emergence and Development of Association Football: Influential Sociocultural Factors in Victorian Birmingham. Soccer and Society. 18(7): 1027-1044.
Kanemasu, Y. and Molnár, G. (2017). Double-trouble: Negotiating Gender and Sexuality in Post-colonial Women’s Rugby. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 52(4), 430–446.
Edwards, C., Tod, D., Molnár, G. and Markland, D. (2016). Predicting Muscularity-Related Behaviour, Emotions and Cognitions in Men: The Role of Psychological Need Thwarting, Drive for Muscularity and Mesomorphic Internalization. Body Image.
Edwards, C., Molnár, G. and Tod, D. (2016). Searching for Masculine Capital: Experiences Leading to High Drive for Muscularity in Men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity.
Tod, D., Edwards, C., Molnár, G. and Markland, D. (2016). Perceived Social Pressures and the Internalization of the Mesomorphic Ideal: The Role of Drive for Muscularity and Autonomy. Body Image. 16: 63-69.
Molnár, G. and Kanemasu, Y. (2014). Playing on the global periphery: Social scientific explorations of rugby in the Pacific Islands. Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science. 3(3): 175-185.
Kanemasu, Y. and Molnár, G. (2014). Life after Rugby: Issues of being an ‘ex’ in Fiji rugby. The International Journal of the History of Sport. 31(11): 1389-1405.
Edwards, C., Tod, D. and Molnár, G. (2014). A Systematic Review of the Drive for Muscularity Research Area. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 7(1): 18-41.
Kanemasu, Y. and Molnár, G. (2013). Problematising the dominant: the emergence of alternative cultural voices in Fiji rugby. Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science. 2(1): 14-30.
Kanemasu, Y. and Molnár, G. (2013). Collective Identity and Contested Allegiance: A Case of Migrant Professional Fijian Rugby Players. Sport in Society. 16(7): 863-882.
Kanemasu, Y. and Molnár, G. (2013). Pride of the People: Fijian rugby labour migration and cultural identity. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 48(6): 720–735.
Benkwitz, A. and Molnár, G. (2012). Socio-cultural approaches to interpreting football rivalries. Soccer and Society. 13(4): 479-794.
Butt, J. and Molnár, G. (2009). Involuntary Career Termination in Sport: A Case Study of the Process of Structurally Induced Failure. Sport in Society. 12(2): 236-252.
Molnár, G. and Bryson, J. (2009). Enhancing processual learning: some observations on teaching research skills. The Journal of Pedagogical Research and Scholarship. 1(2): 26-33.
Soós, I., Hamar, P., Molnár, G., Biddle, S. and Sándor, I. (2008). Erdélyi tanulók fizikai aktivitásának és inaktivitásának vizsgálata EMA (Ecological Momentary Assessment) módszerrel [An Investigation into Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviours in Transylvanian Students by Using EMA (Ecological Momentary Assessment)]. Magyar Sporttudomanyi Szemle. 9(4): 20-24.
Molnár, G. and Gal, A. (2008). A sporttal kapcsolatos migráció általános áttekintése [Sport-related Migration: A General Overview]. Magyar Sporttudomanyi Szemle. 9(3): 12-15.
Molnár, G. and Maguire, J. (2008). Hungarian Footballers on the Move: Issues of and Observations on the First Migratory Phase. Sport in Society. 11(1): 74-89.
Soós, I., Molnár, G. and Hamar, P. (2007). Közeledjünk az „új” Európai Uniós modell felé, vagy ragaszkodjunk a „jól bevált” magyarhoz? Gondolatok a magyarországi testnevelés és szabadidosportok szocio-kulturális kihívásairól [Should We Adopt the „New” EU Model or Should We Retain the „Good-Old” Hungarian One? Preliminary Observations on the Socio-cultural Challenges in Physical Education and Leisure Activities in Hungary]. Magyar Sporttudomanyi Szemle. 8(4): 33-35.
Molnár, G. and Bryson, J. (2007). A Hands-on Approach to Learning Fundamental Research Skills. The Journal of Pedagogical Research and Scholarship. 1(1): 71-73.
Molnár, G. and Bryson, J. (2007). TLC Project Assessment Case Study: Poster.
Molnár, G. (2007). Hungarian Football: A Socio-Historical Perspective. Sport in History. 27(2): 293-318.
Molnár, G. (2006). Mapping Migrations: Hungary Related Migrations of Professional Footballers after the Collapse of Communism. Soccer and Society. 7(4): 463-485.
Molnár, G. (2006). A Beginner's Guide to Hungarian Football. Soccer History. 13 (Winter 2005-06): 22-25.
Molnár, G. and Bullingham, R. (eds.) (2022). Routledge Handbook of Politics of Gender in Sport and Physical Activity. Oxon: Routledge.
Molnár, G., Amin, S. and Kanemasu, Y. (eds.) (2018). Women, Sport and Exercise in the Asia-Pacific Region: Oppression - Resistance - Accommodation. Oxon: Routledge.
Molnár, G. and Purdy, L. (eds.) (2016). Ethnographies in Sport and Exercise Research. Oxon: Routledge.
Molnár, G. and Kanemasu, Y. (eds.) (2014). Special Issue: Playing on the global periphery: Social scientific explorations of rugby in the Pacific Islands. Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science. 3(3): 175-276.
Molnár, G. and Kelly, J. (2013). Sociology of Sport and Exercise: An Introduction. Oxon: Routledge.
Bairner, A. and Molnár, G. (eds.) (2010). Politics of the Olympics: A Survey. London: Routledge.
Book Chapters:
Spencer, N. L. I. and Molnár, G. (forthcoming). Adapted Physical Activity. In Routledge Encyclopaedia of Sport Studies. Routledge.
Mycock, D., Harding, G., Williams, C. and Molnár, G. (2024). Working with Disabilities in Youth Grassroots Soccer. In: Duncan, M., Noon, M. & Seabra, A. (eds.), Science and Practice of Youth Soccer. London: Routledge
Yamashita, T., Postlethwaite, V. and Molnár, G. (2023). Winter Sports and Japan: Representations of Japanese and International Winter Sporting Cultures. In: Macnaughtan, H. and Postlethwaite, V. (eds.), Handbook of Sport and Japan. Japan Documents Publishing.
Bright, C. and Molnár, G. (2023). Neo-tribes in a Type One Diabetes Football Online Community. In: Roberts, W., Whigham, S., Parnell, D. and Culvin, A. (eds.), Critical Social Theory and Football. Routledge.
Molnár, G. (2022). Sport, Labour and Migration. In: Wenner, L. (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Sport and Society. Oxford University Press.
Molnár, G. and Doczi, T. (2020). A transitology of Hungarian Football. In: Rojo-Labaien, E., Rodríguez-Díaz, Á. and Rookwood, J. (eds.), Sport, Statehood and Transition in Europe: Comparative perspectives from post-Soviet and post-socialist societies (pp. 11-26). London: Routledge.
Kanemasu, Y. and Molnár, G. (2020). Against All Odds: Fijiana's Flight from Zero to Hero in the Rugby World Cup? In: Harris, J and Wise, N. (eds.), Rugby in Global Perspective: Playing on the Periphery. Oxon: Routledge.
Molnár, G., Amin, S. and Kanemasu, Y. (2018). Introduction: Rest and the West - present absence of non-Western research. In: Molnár, G., Amin, S. and Kanemasu, Y. (eds.), Women, Sport and Exercise in the Asia-Pacific Region: Oppression - Resistance - Accommodation. Oxon: Routledge.
Kanemasu, Y., Johnson, J. and Molnár, G. (2018). Fiji's Women Rugby Players: Finding Motivation in a 'Hostile' Environment. In: Molnár, G., Amin, S. and Kanemasu, Y. (eds.), Women, Sport and Exercise in the Asia-Pacific Region: Oppression - Resistance - Accommodation. Oxon: Routledge.
Molnár, G. and Faulkner, C. (2016). Football Related Migrations. In: Hughson, J. et al. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Football Studies. Oxon: Routledge.
Molnár, G. and Purdy, L. (2016). Introduction. In: Molnár, G. and Purdy, L. (eds.), Ethnographies in Sport and Exercise Research. Oxon: Routledge.
Molnár, G. (2014). The League of Retirees: Foreigners’ Perception of Hungarian Pro Football. In: Elliott, R. and Harris, J. (eds.), Football and Migration: Perspectives, places, players. Oxon: Routledge: 106-124.
Purdy, L., Molnár, G., Griffiths, L. and Castle, P. (2014). Ilona: ‘Tweeting’ through cultural adjustments. In: Armour, K. (ed.), Pedagogical Cases in Sport, Exercise and Physical Activity. Pearson: 222-234.
Edwards, C., Tod, D., Morrison, T. and Molnár, G. (2011). Drive For Muscularity: Current Perspectives. In: Tod, D. and Lavallee, D. (eds.), The Psychology of Strength and Conditioning. London: Routledge: 148-172.
Molnár, G., Doczi, T. and Gal, A. (2011). A Socio-structural Overview of Hungarian Football. In: Gammelsæter, H. and Senaux, B. (eds.), The Organisation and Governance of Top Football Across Europe: An Institutional Perspective. London: Routledge: 253-267.
Molnár, G. (2011). From the Soviet Bloc to the European Community: Migrating professional footballers in and out of Hungary. In: Maguire, J. and Falcous, M. (eds.), Sport and Migration. London: Routledge: 56-70.
Molnár, G. (2010). Re-discovering Hungarianness: The Case of Elite Hungarian Footballers. In: Dine, P. and Crosson, S. (eds.), Sport, Representation and Evolving Identities in Europe. Peter Lang: Witney: 239-262.
Book Reviews:
A. Schwell, N. Szogs, M. Z. Kowalska and M. Buchowski (eds.), New Ethnographies of Football in Europe: People, Passions, Politics. Palgrave MacMillan, 2016, Review published in Sport in Society (2016).
Ivan Waddington and Andy Smith, An Introduction to Drugs in Sport: Addicted to Winning? London: Routledge, 2009, Review published in The Sport and Exercise Scientist (Issue 30, Winter, 2011).
Ulrik Wagner, Rasmus K. Storm and John Hoberman (eds.), Observing Sport: Modern System Theoretical Approaches. Schondorf: Hofmann-Verlag, 2010, Review published in Sport in Society (2011).
Stephen Wagg and David L. Andrews (eds.), East Plays West: Sport and the Cold War. London: Routledge, 2007, Review published in Sport in History (Issue 28(1): 200-203).
Chris Hallinan and John Hughson (eds.), Sporting Tales: Ethnographic Fieldwork Experiences. Australian Society for Sports History Studies in Sports History. No. 12 (Kwik Kopy Printing Centre, North Sydney NSW, 2001). Review published in British Society of Sport History Bulletin (Issue 25, Summer/Autumn, 2007: 47-49).
Pierre Lanfranchi and Matthew Taylor, Moving with the Ball: the Migration of Professional Footballers. Oxford, Berg, 2001, Review published in Sport in History (Vol. 26, No. 1, 2006: 175-177).
Media Exposure:
Women in Sport podcast (Dec. 2022).
Expert interview on Hungarian football and politics (2021):
Radio interview on lack of exercise in adults, BBC Hereford and ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß, 2017.
Life after Rugby: Fiji’s “Disposable Heroes”? Mai Life, issue no. 98, July 2015.
Playing in the Shadows: A Story of Women’s Rugby in Fiji. Mai Life, issue no. 99, August 2015.
Radio interview on football violence, BBC Hereford and ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß, 2013.
Government Reports:
Postlethwaite, V., Kohe, G.Z. and Molnár, G. (2021). How should the success of major cultural and sporting events be measured and what should their legacies be?