Recent publications:
Lengthorn, E and Sherrard, G. (2022). Move the World: Bringing the SDGs out of hiding. Primary Geography. Geographical Association, Sheffield. 
Lengthorn, E. (2022). Chapter 9 Weather and Climate in Scoffham, S. and Rawlinson, S., 2022. Sustainability Education: A Classroom Guide. Bloomsbury Publishing. 
Lengthorn, E and Woolley, R. (2021) Editorial, Ubuntu: Project, Partnership, Principles, in Elephant Times (Issue 6) pp.3-7. Birmingham: Tide – Global Learning. 
Lengthorn, E and Evans, S. (2021) Teenagers... connecting to nature, in Elephant Times (Issue 6) pp.24-27 Birmingham: Tide – Global Learning. 
Lengthorn, E. and Asbury, M., (2021). ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß educator climate assembly: promoting sustainability leadership through participation. A community approach to education in climate emergency. Discover Sustainability, 2(1), pp.1-23. 
Lengthorn, E and Asbury, M. (2021. Blog post Building a curriculum for a sustainable future, democratically. Available at: 
Lengthorn, E. and Bailey, K., 2021. Global Learning as a Vehicle for PSHE. Teaching Personal, Social, Health and Economic and Relationships,(Sex) and Health Education in Primary Schools: Enhancing the Whole Curriculum, p.117. 
Lengthorn, E. and Russell, A., 2021. The Movement of People and PSHE. Teaching Personal, Social, Health and Economic and Relationships,(Sex) and Health Education in Primary Schools: Enhancing the Whole Curriculum, p.131. 
Lengthorn, E. and Saunders, R., 2021. Super Science and the ‘Health’in PSHE and R (S) HE. Teaching Personal, Social, Health and Economic and Relationships,(Sex) and Health Education in Primary Schools: Enhancing the Whole Curriculum, p.69. 
Lengthorn, E. (2020). IMPACT: Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching. Youth Social Action: Eco- Schools 
Lengthorn, E. (2020) 
Green Literacy: Greening our Language. NAEE. Environmental Education, 123. pp. 6-9.   
Recent presentations:
Geographical Association Annual Conference (April, 2022) Geography Education in Climate Emergency
Geography Teacher Educator annual conference (Jan 2022) online: Educator Climate Assembly
TEESNet Conference (Sept 2022). Education in Climate Emergency as a PGCE Enhancement Activity
University of Gloucester L&T conference (June 2021) Changing inside and out: two educational responses to the sustainability challenge
Lengthorn, Elena and Vare, Paul (2021) Changing inside and out: two educational responses to the sustainability challenge. In: Festival of Learning 2021, 7th and 8th June 2021, Online.
Period Poverty and Women’s health in education. (March, 2022, online)
Presentation for International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate women’s achievements, take action against inequality and raise awareness of unfair gender practices that exist and permeate across society. This year, the theme was #breakthebias. Invited by BEIS as part of the levelling up agenda
Teacher in Europe (2022)
Keynote speech: SDGs: A cause for courageous hope
BERA (2021) online Building a Curriculum for a Sustainable Future: Secondary educator climate assembly. Online
Advance HE Sustainability Symposium (2021) online
Teacher in Europe (2021) online SDGs a cause for courageous hope?
TEAN conference (2021)
Education for Climate Crisis: How should we prepare teachers for our climate crisis?