Teaching & Research
Current Teaching on Undergraduate and Postgraduate Modules
Operation, Project and Risk Management, Level 5 Module Leader
Innovation and Intrapreneurship, Level 6
Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management, Level 5
International Business Strategy, Level 6
International Operations Management, Level 7 MBA Module Leader
Previously Taught on Undergraduate and Postgraduate Modules
Project Management, Level 5 Module Leader
Operations Management, Level 5 Module Leader
Global Business Strategy, Level 6
Strategic Management and Globalization, Level 7 Executive MBA Module Leader
My modules are designed to help students acquiring the skills, knowledge, and expertise needed for career in management so that the students can demonstrate employability when they graduate. Teaching, Learning and Assessment: Using multiple forms of active learning, experiential and student-centred pedagogies such as Live Projects and Live Case Studies, group work, bended learning and technology-enhanced learning, experiential tasks, practical work, and presentations.
PG Dissertations Co-coordinator and Module Leader
BUSM4206 ExecMBA and BUSM4206 MBA Momentum
BUSM4006 MA HRM and BUSM4207 MBA top up
BUSM4340 MBA without internship and BUSM4341 MBA with internship
BUSM4342 MSc without internship and BUSM4343 MSc with internship
Research Interests
Innovation management
Implementation of New Service Development (NSD) process in SME
Innovation and Sustainability
Barriers and enablers to service innovation
Strategic Innovation
The role of the networks into the innovation process
Service design
Service co-creation
Knowledge Transfer Projects (KEEN/KTP)
KEEN project, as an Academic Lead, for the development and launching of new racking services and solutions through the implementation of visualization, 3D printing and CAD laser.
KTP projects managing the implementation of new innovation processes and the development and launching of new products and services for SMEs providing training services, recruitment and apprenticeship services, consulting and business services, and outsourcing services.
PhD/DBA Supervision
Expertise: Strategy, Innovation, Small Business Management and Enterprise, Business Model Innovation; Qualitative research, Case study research, Action Research, Participant Observation, Interviews
Current DBA projects:
- A model of cultural impact on the valuation of patents
- Evaluating captive insurance companies as an incremental insurance innovation for medium-sized companies
- The meso economic risk factors hindering the effective adoption of public-private partnership (PPP) in Sub Saharan Africa
Doctoral completion: ·
Exploring enabling factors for purchasing integration into the innovation process in a medium sized system integrator of consumer electronics products
Research/Consulting Interests
Implementation of innovation processes (providing research, training, facilitation and tools)
Helping to overcome the challenges to New Product and Service Development
Service Design using service blueprinting technique
Strategic Innovation helping decision makers to focus on what matters most for the business to succeed
I am interested in supervising doctoral students in the broader area of strategic innovation management and establishing knowledge transfer/consultancy collaborative projects.
Research activities
-Chair of the Managing Risk, Operations and Sustainability (MORS) Research Group, WBS
-Member of the Applied Research Group, WBS
-Invited track chair and reviewer, Doctoral Colloquium, University of Gloucestershire
-Convenor of research seminar series
Knowledge Transfer Projects (KEEN/KTP)
One KEEN project, as an Academic Lead, for the development and launching of new racking services and solutions through the implementation of visualization, 3D printing and CAD laser.
One KTP projects managing the implementation of new innovation processes and the development and launching of new products and services for SMEs providing training services, recruitment and apprenticeship services, consulting and business services, and outsourcing services.
Current doctoral supervisions include: ·
-A model of cultural impact on the valuation of patents ·
-Evaluating captive insurance companies as an incremental insurance innovation for medium-sized companies
-Exploring enabling factors for purchasing integration into the innovation process in a medium sized system integrator of consumer electronics products
Research/Consulting Interests
Implementation of innovation processes (providing research, training, facilitation and tools)
Helping to overcome the challenges to New Product and Service Development
Service Design using service blueprinting technique
Strategic Innovation helping decision makers to focus on what matters most for the business to succeed
I am interested in supervising doctoral students in the broader area of strategic innovation management and establishing knowledge transfer/consultancy collaborative projects.
Research activities
Chair of the Managing Risk, Operations and Sustainability (MORS) Research Group, WBS
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
Warren, V. and Bartholomew, A. (2016). Students Enhancing Their Learning Experience: From Evaluation to Action, SAP Report, ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß Journal for Learning and Teaching, Issue 11, ISSN 2024-8032.
Warren, V. (2016). Exploring Service Innovation Practices through a Longitudinal Ethnographic Case Study, Published abstract in the International Journal of Qualitative Methods (IJQM). Available through WRAP:
Conference Papers
Warren, V. and Loon, M. (2017). Exploring Heuristics in Collaboration through a Longitudinal Study, Developmental Paper in the Proceedings of the British Academy of Management BAM2017 Annual Conference, 5-7 September 2017, University of Warwick. ISBN:
Loon, M. and Warren, V. (2017). Exploring Inter-Organisational Collaborative Networks for Innovation, Developmental Paper in the Proceedings of the British Academy of Management BAM2017 Annual Conference, 5-7 September 2017, University of Warwick. ISBN:
Warren, V., Emblen-Perry, K. and Grifiths, L. (2017). Evaluation of students experience of team-based experiential learning through the collaborative Student as Partners (SAP) Project, Abstract in the Proceedings of the ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß Annual Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Conference, 15-16 June 2017, ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß, UK.
Warren, V., Emblen-Perry, K. and Griffiths, L. (2017), Evaluation of students experience of team-based experiential learning through the collaborative Student as Partners (SAP) Project, Abstract in the Proceedings of the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS) Annual Conference, Presentation at the 6th CABS Annual Conference, 25-26 April,Bristol, UK
Warren, V. and Davies, B. (2016). The Service Innovation Process: To Systematize or Not to Systematize?, Developmental Paper in the Proceedings of the British Academy of Management BAM2016 Annual Conference, 6-8 September 2016, Newcastle University. ISBN: 978-0-9549608-9-6
Warren, V. and Bartholomew, A. (2016). Students Enhancing Their Learning Experience: From Evaluation to Action, Abstract in the Proceedings of the ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß Annual Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Conference, 16 June 2016, ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß, UK.
Warren, V. and Davies, B. (2016). Overcoming Challenges to Service Innovation Process Implementation in a SME, Paper in the Proceedings of the 27th ISPIM Innovation Conference, 19-22 June 2016, Porto, Portugal. Available through WRAP:
Warren, V. and Davies, B. (2016). Exploring Service Innovation Process in a Small Business Services Firm, Paper in the Proceedings of the 6th Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Prague, Czech Republic 19-20 February 2016, J. Vopova, V. Douda, R. Kratochvil and M. Konecki (eds), p.103-110, Academic Conferences Association, z.s. ISSN 978-80-88085-05-8. Official URL: https://www.academic-conferences.eu/file/proceedings-of-the-6th-mac-2016/, Available through WRAP:
Warren, V. (2016). Exploring Service Innovation Practices through a Longitudinal Ethnographic Case Study, Abstract in the Proceedings of the 15th Qualitative Methods Conference, 3-5 May 2016, Glasgow, UK, organized by the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology. Available through WRAP:
Warren, V. and Davies, B. (2013). Structuring the Unstructured: Service Innovation in a UK Small Business Services Firm, Paper in the Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship ECIE 2013, P. Teirlinck, S. Kelchtermans and F. de Beule (Eds.), Volume 2, p. 641-648, Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading (UK). Official URL: http://www.academic-bookshop.com/ourshop/prod_2847727-ECIE-2013-8th-Europen-Conference-on-Innovation-and-Entrepreneurship-PRINT-version-2-Volume-set.html, Available through WRAP:
Warren, V. (2013). Structuring the Service Innovation Process in a Small Business Services Firm, Paper in the Proceedings of the 3rd Doctoral Colloquium, University of Gloucestershire, June 2013, Cheltenham, UK.
Warren, V. (2012). Service Innovation Systematization in UK Small and Medium-Sized Service Firms, Paper in the Proceedings of the 2nd Doctoral Colloquium, University of Gloucestershire, July 2012, Berlin, Germany.
Research Presentations/Public Engagement
Warren, V. (2016). Overcoming the Challenges to Implementation of a New Service Development Process in an SME, Presentation at the WBS Research Seminar Series, Representing MORS Research Group, 24th November 2016, ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß.
Warren, V. (2015). Challenges to Managing Service Innovation, Presentation at the BAM Innovation SIG, Track Hidden Innovation, 1st December 2015, University of Brighton.
Warren, V. (2015). Barriers and Challenges to Managing Service Innovation, Presentation at the WBS Research Seminar Series, Representing MORS Research Group, 18th November 2015, ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß.
Warren, V (2013). Business Services Innovation: A Systematic Literature Review, Presentation at the Postgraduate Research Student Conference 2013, May, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, UK.
Griffiths, L., Warren, V. and Emblen-Perry, K. (2017). Evaluation of students experience of team-based experiential learning through the collaborative Student as Partners (SAP) Project, Students as Partners (SAP) Project Report, ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß, June 2017.
Warren, V. (2016). Students Enhancing Their Learning Experience: From Evaluation to Action, Students as Partners (SAP) Project Report, ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß, June 2016.
Doctoral Thesis
Warren, V. (2014). Examining the Implementation of Service Innovation Processes in a Small Business Services Firm. DBA. University of Gloucestershire.