Publications and Dissemination
Gray, K., Russell, C., and Twigg, J (2024) Leisure and Everyday Life with Dementia, Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Russell, C. (2023) ‘“We Can Do This!”: The Role of Physical Activity in What Comes Next for Dementia’. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 20, 6503.
Russell, C., Kohe, G.Z., Evans, S.B, and Brooker, D. (2022) Rethinking Spaces of Leisure: How People Living with Dementia Use the Opportunities Leisure Centres Provide to Promote their Identity and Place in the World, International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure. doi: 10.1007/s41978-022-00121-x
Russell, C., Kohe, G.Z., Brooker, D. and Evans, S. (2020) ‘Sporting Identity, Memory, and People with Dementia: Opportunities, Challenges, and Potential for Oral History’, The International Journal of the History of Sport, 36(13-14), pp.1157-1179. doi: 10.1080/09523367.2019.1703690.
Evans, S.C., Julie Barrett, J., Mapes, N., Hennell, J., Atkinson, T., Bray, J., Garabedian, C., and Russell, C. (2019) ‘Connections with nature for people living with dementia', Working with Older People, https://
Russell, C. (2016) ‘People with Dementia, contributing to learning and teaching in higher education’ Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice. Dementia, 0(0) pp.1–6. doi: 10.1177/1471301216685460
Practice Publications
Russell, C., Oatley., R, Bray, J., Jacobson-Wright, N., Stephens, N. and Howard, T (2023) Championing Physical Activity for People Affected by Dementia! Journal of Dementia Care. ISSN Print: 1351-8372
Russell, C. & Bray, J. (2020) ‘People with dementia contributing original content to the online educational offering of a new University course as part of everyday citizenship’ The Association for Dementia Studies Blog [Online] 23 October. Available from:
Russell, C. & Xu, Q. (2015) Lived Experience at the Centre of Learning. The Australian Journal of Dementia Care 4 (5), 18-19
Russell, C. & Xu, Q. (2015) Lived Experience at the Centre of Learning. The Journal of Dementia Care 23 (4), 18-19
Russell, C. (2024) “Sport and Physical Activity” in Leisure and Everyday Life with Dementia, Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 87-101.
Mackian, S. Russell. C, & McCalla, L. (2013) “Preparing to Lead” In Mackian, S. & Simons, J. Leading, Managing, Caring: Understanding leadership and management in health and social care. Open University, 1-27.
Book Reviews
Russell, C. (2017) Book Review: Sport, leisure and social justice, edited by L. Long, T. Fletcher, & B. Watson, London and New York, Routledge, 2017, 227 pp., UK £105.00 (hardback), ISBN: 978-1-138-96045-9. Annals of Leisure Research. ISSN Print: 1174-5398 Online: 2159-6816
Public Engagement Events
14th May 2024, Age UK Herefordshire and ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïßshire, “Leisure and Everyday Life with Dementia”.
14th September 2022, the Centre for Dementia, Institute of Mental Health, University of Nottingham, ‘The leisure lives of people affected by dementia’ (online seminar presentation)
31st March 2022, University of Lincoln. ‘Physical activity experiences
for people living with dementia and their carers’.
11th October 2021, Webinar, Active Herefordshire and ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïßshire. ‘Engaging people living with dementia in physical activity, reflections on good practice and ambitions for the future’.
16th July 2020, Webinar, ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß, UK. ‘Sport, physical activity & dementia: Discussions for practice from the ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß’.
2nd October 2019, International Council on Active Ageing, Active Ageing Week, ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß, UK. ‘People living with dementia and their families engaging in sport and physical activity. Learning from research and practice.’
20th May 2019, The Beautiful Mind, Pint of Science Festival, ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß, UK. ‘Can do, if you’ll give me the chance – people with dementia and their families engaging in sport and physical activity, how this feels and what it means’
Invited Conference Presentations
Russell, C. (September 2023) The social citizenship of people living with dementia. Admiral Nurse Forum, Embracing Equity in Admiral Nursing, Online Presentation.
Russell, C. (January, 2022) People living with dementia participating in leisure within social spaces: the influence of and implications for social citizenship. British Sociological Association Leisure and Recreation Studies Group, Online Presentation.
Russell, C. (November, 2016) Sport, Identity and Dementia. Mental Health Issues, Cradle to Grave. ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïßshire Health & Care Trust and the ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß, ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß.
Russell, C. (July, 2012) What the Care Act Will Mean for Social Work? The Future of Social Work Conference. University of Gloucestershire.
Refereed conference presentations
Russell, C. (July, 2024), Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference, University of the West of Scotland, “Leisure, Human Rights and Everyday Life with Dementia”.
Russell, C. (November 2023), United Kingdom Dementia Congress, University of Aston, “Leisure and Everyday Life with Dementia”.
Russell, C. (July, 2023), Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference, Bournemouth University, “Leisure and dementia, Re-creating Leisure”.
Russell, C. (July, 2022), Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference, Falmouth University, “In pursuit of leisure in the context of life with dementia: From research to education to practice”.
Russell, C. (July, 2019) Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference, Abertay University, Dundee “Exploring the identity of people with dementia as they engage with the activities of community-based leisure and fitness centres. Implications for scholarship and practice”.
Russell, C. (June, 2019), College of Health, Life & Environmental Sciences Research Seminar, Family Care Symposium. “Research that explored the experience of people with dementia and carers taking part in physical activity at their local leisure centre.” ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß, United Kingdom.
Russell, C. (November, 2018) 12th United Kingdom Dementia Congress. Brighton, United Kingdom. “Exploring the experiences of people affected by dementia who spend time engaging in physical activity within their local leisure centre”
Russell, C. (July, 2018) European Congress of Adapted Physical Activity 2018 (EUCAPA), ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß, “Considering whether and how leisure centres and gyms can act as innovative resources for people with dementia and their families”
Russell, C. (July, 2018) British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference, Emerging Researchers in Ageing, Finalist, Three Minute Thesis Competition, Manchester Metropolitan University, “Leisure centres and people with dementia, so much potential, so much we still need to find out…”
Russell, C. (June, 2018) World Congress of Sociology of Sport, University of Lausanne, “Exploring the experiences of people with dementia using leisure centres. The transformative power of this new learning for the offering leisure centres make to individuals and their local communities”
Russell, C. (July, 2017) Enacting leisure in the context of dementia and identity: the role and significance of community leisure centres. Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference, Leeds Becket University, Leeds.
Russell, C. (June, 2017) The community leisure centre as a resource for people with dementia: explorations of individual and social identity. Poster presentation. Postgraduate Research Student Conference, ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß, ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß.
Russell, C. (June, 2017) Challenging Myths and Stereotypes – man with dementia helps me understand how to pole- vault. Images of Research Competition, ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß.
Russell, C. (November, 2016) “Experts by Experience Tutors” – people with dementia contributing as tutors on a University course in the UK. Excellence in Dementia Research and Care. 26th Alzheimer Europe Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
The Link Group. (November, 2015) People with Dementia and Carers Contributing to Teaching. Learning from Each Other. 10th United Kingdom Dementia Congress. Telford, United Kingdom.
Russell, C. (October, 2014) People with Dementia Contributing to Teaching and Learning at Higher Education level. Dignity and Autonomy in Dementia. 24th Alzheimer Europe Conference, Glasgow.
Russell, C. (October, 2013) Improving Practice in Dementia - involving the people who matter most. People, Policy and Practice. Research in Focus Conference, the ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß
Poster Presentation
Russell, C. (July, 2023) “Leisure and dementia, Re-creating Leisure”, Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference, Bournemouth, United Kingdom.
Russell, C. (November, 2022) “Championing Physical Activity for People Affected by Dementia! A research and education project, leading to the development and delivery of a pioneering online course aiming to support practitioners offer physical activity to people affected by dementia”, 16th United Kingdom Dementia Congress. Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Russell, C. (June, 2019) Postgraduate Research Student Conference, ³Ô¹ÏµÚÒ»Ïß. Poster presentation: “Exploring the identity of people with dementia who engage with the activities of community-based leisure and fitness centres”